From strong corporate governance, to the highest standards in quality, compliance, safety and performance, we strive to always do the right thing.
To make a positive, long-term impact for patients, 我们所做的每一件事都以正直的态度赢得并保持他们的信任. 我们为我们坚定不移的原则和承诺感到自豪, knowing not only is it the right thing to do, 但它也确保了我们业务的弹性和我们的长期成功.
If you have a question or concern, 或意识到可能违反法律或m8体育政策的行为, we offer a Global Helpline Portal, available 24/7.
Through transparency and disclosure, 我们在与卫生保健专业人员的关系中表现出诚信.
我们的道德和合规计划侧重于强有力的领导, clearly written standards, accountability, effective lines of communication, 相关培训直接考核和整改.
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